Scent sampling is commonly used in advertisements by perfume/cologne companies as a means to provide the consumer with a ‘taste’ of their products; however, scent sampling can be beneficial to companies that are selling a myriad of other scented or flavored products as well. In fact, a product’s scent is frequently the key reason consumers decide to purchase one product versus another.
Scent and the Consumer
Consumers often assume that all products claiming to be fabric softeners will soften our clothes; however, whether it be Snuggles�, Downy�, etc., each brand offers the consumer a variety of scents. Consequently, the scent sampling can be the main reason a consumer chooses to purchase a specific brand of fabric softener. Scents are the driving reason behind many other products as well.
These products include:
Hair care: shampoos, conditioners, hair sprays, mousse, gels, etc.
Air care: scented candles, room fresheners, car air fresheners, essential oils, diffusers, etc.
Cleansers: disinfectants, soaps, dish detergents, furniture polishes, etc.
Body care: shower gels, bar soaps, powders, body lotions, tanning products, insect repellents, etc.
Scent sampling is a proven method for increasing sales, which is why brand managers of these scented products rely on scent sampling as a means to promote their brands’ unique scents. Scent branding provides the consumer with a specific way to remember a particular brand.
Scent Flavoring for Food and Beverage Products
While flavor defines food and beverage products it is also driven by how a product smells. For this reason, Scentisphere can also create scent sampling flavor ads for various food and beverage companies.
Products that Scentisphere has provided scent sampling advertisements for include:
Breakfast foods
Flavored beverages
Cooking shows (Rachel Ray, etc.)
Pet snacks
Studies Conclude that Scents Can Trigger an Emotional Response
Our sense of smell is the most sensitive of all five senses because it is most closely linked to our emotional recollection. Neuromarketing studies conclude that 75 percent of our emotions are triggered by scents; thus, scent sampling can influence the mood and emotional state of consumers.
Studies Indicate that Smell is Most Memorable of All Senses
Research conducted by the Sense of Smell Institute compared an individual’s ability to recall the images and smells related to branding. According to their research, visual recall drops to around 50 percent after just three months; whereas, scent sampling recollection remains at a 65 percent accuracy level for more than 12 months.
One of Rockefeller University’s studies addressed all five senses: The study aimed to determine how much we remember in the short term, based on the senses being utilized.
The results are as follows. Consumers remember:
Touching – 1 percent
Hearing – 2 percent
Seeing – 5 percent
Tasting – 15 percent
Smelling – 35 percent
A 2014 Rockefeller University study states that our noses can differentiate between 1 trillion scents. These study results make it is easy to see why companies do extensive research when deciding which scents to use to define their brands.
Scent sampling through print ads substantially increases a consumer’s emotional response to your product. Scentisphere provides you with the means to attract consumers via their most powerful sense, smell. Contact us today to learn more about scent marketing.